Storage Units in Longmont - Rate Increases
AAA Storage is one of the few storage facilities in Longmont not owned by a major corporation. We are a locally owned and operated business and, though we do our best to keep our rates competitive, recently we have been forced to raise them. Naturally, some of our renters are unhappy about this.
We would ask our renters to bear in mind that the previously low rates they were enjoying (which were often "special" move-in prices) saved them quite a bit of money, and those rates have now been adjusted to fit the current market value. If your rent went up dramatically, it's because what you had been paying was a great deal. We would urge dissatisfied customers to call around or browse the websites of our competitors to see if they can find anything more affordable.
We want to convey that we hear you and understand the frustration of a rate increase, but there's nothing we can do to change it. Ultimately we are a business, and our survival hinges on balancing competitive rates with countering increasing property taxes and supply costs. We care very much about customer satisfaction and pride ourselves on affordability, but the reality of fluctuating operating costs must be considered.
One other point to be made is unit availability. You can think of the self-storage industry as being similar to the airline or hotel industry. When there are many seats or rooms available, prices are low. But that last seat on the crowded plane or the last room in the hotel is going to be significantly more expensive, and so it is with storage units. We raise our prices in correlation with increased demand/reduced unit availability.
Call AAA Storage in Longmont today at 303-776-3629 to speak to our staff. We'll give you rates, tell you about our facility, or even guide you through the process of finding the right storage unit size for your needs.