Storage Units in Longmont | Beginner's Guide

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Storage Units in Longmont - Beginner's Guide

Step 1: Choosing the Right Facility

Considering you'll presumably be storing hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of possessions and/or anything from a business inventory to vital documentation, the importance of vetting a prospective facility cannot be overstated. Take a tour, keeping an eye out for holes in—or even a total lack of—security features. Consider the cleanliness of the facility: is there trash strewn about the corridors between buildings? Does it seem like a place you'd feel comfortable working in and around? Meet the staff and ask them what they think; have a list of questions prepared. Check the internet for reviews. Lastly, make sure the facility offers leasing terms suited to your needs. If you only need a storage unit for a month, you might not want to rent from a facility with extra administrative fees tacked onto your lease. Once you've gone through the effort of moving your things into your new self-storage unit, you'll want to feel secure in your decision rather than concerned and regretful, so put in the additional effort beforehand.

Sizing Up

There are existing articles within this blog catalog dealing with unit sizes, so we'll keep things brief here. Don't waste money on a unit with more space than you need, but also keep in mind that it's important a storage unit be organized with walking lanes through your belongings. The last thing you want is to have technically enough space, but be unable to actually to reach anything you need.

Visit Your Unit Regularly

If you choose a responsible and secure storage facility like AAA Storage, you can feel confident that thefts on the property are rare. However, rare is not non-existent and no self-storage facility is totally immune to crime. In the event something is taken from your storage unit, inform the managers as soon as possible. You can only do that if you visit routinely. Knowing that a certain item was taken in a large time window makes it much more difficult to deal with the problem.

Check back soon for part 2.

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